Cléoma Falcon (née Breaux) May 27, 1906 – April 4, 1941.
Cléoma was a Cajun guitarist and vocalist born in southwest Crowley, Louisiana. She is best known for being the wife of Joe Falcon as well as being one of the first people to record Cajun Music. Cléoma had an enormous impact on Cajun music. Besides a successful recording career, she frequently performed in dancehalls, which was considered improper. However, she overcame this stigma, most probably because she was alongside Joe Falcon. She recorded until 1940, when she was seriously injured by a car; she died from her injuries the following year. Cléoma's importance to Cajun music was recognized when she was the first woman to be inducted into the Cajun Music Hall of Fame in 2002.

Animation by David Stoeckel. Angst Art Arena.