South Australian Blues Society
(It's the old 1999 website I have dragged out of the archives for you to have a look at!)

ollard Greens & Gravy
(BMM 227.2)
John Durr, boss of Black Market Music says "This will be the debut blues album of 1999". Now that is a very big statement to make, especially from someone like John but gee....I have to agree with him. If it's not the best, it'll do 'til better comes along. This is a remarkable album by anyone's standards, from a bunch of very gifted musicians who understand exactly what they're all about.
Collard Green & Gravy are a three-piece outfit who've been working around the Melbourne blues scene for the past three years. Ian Collard is the front-man with his totally unique style. The Australian Who's Who tells us that Ian was a member of the 'Penthouse Paupers' back in 1987, and 'Checkerboard Lounge' in 1992. Apart from that I can tell you no more about him except that he is one hell of a harp player, and likes to sing through his harp mike to achieve the sounds he demands. He is also a gifted song-writer with authorship of six of the CD's thirteen tunes to his credit.
James Bridges is the trio's guitar man, and he plays as sweetly as they come. James seems to be one of those rarities amongst guitar players who impress more by what they don't do rather than what they do play. His subtleties and timing are impeccable, understated but magnificent.
Anthony Shorttie is the man responsible for Collard Greens & Gravy's wonderful percussive sounds. He is not your conventional drummer that's for sure. To quote John Durr again "His use of Djembe brings a marvellously different perspective to the groove. Rather than anchor the band, his percussion like playing, rather than strict drumming, allows for some excellent interplay".
Whether it be originals, or Collard Greens & Gravy arrangements of old blues tunes, this music is the real deal. Genuine blues, stylistic integrity by the truck load, call it what you will, there's no escaping the incontrovertible fact, that this is a blues band, and a damned good one. With almost an hour in playing time, and liner notes from John Durr, this splendid album earns the 'gotta have' label from yours truly.
Available from Black Market Music, G.P.O. Box 4852, Melbourne, Vic, 3001, or you can call them on (03) 9326 8886.
Tell 'em Big Mike sent you.