Movie critic Jerome Douvendahns counts down
and also some of the worst!
15. They Shall Not Grow Old.
Remarkable and creative editing of archival footage from WW1. A profoundly moving documentary. 'Lest We Forget' ...after viewing this film no one ever will ! A valuable history lesson.

14. Annihilation
A team of female scientists venture into a place where men have gone before! It is a Netlix Sci Fi taking us into a zone that defies the laws of nature. I’m with Natalia Portman where-ever she decides to go.

13.Leave no trace.
A tested bond between father and daughter in the wilds of Portland Oregon.

12. Tully
A story about a mother dealing with the turmoil and harsh realities of her life. What a way to deal with it!

11. A Quiet Place
Hush! Don’t make a sound and don't move! Emily Blunt is in this post-apocalyptic drama …I'm rivited!

10. Arizona.
Set in the midst of the 2009 housing crisis. What a crisis. A lot of rotten tomatos thrown at this movie but for me it is the dark comedy highlight of the year!

9. The Insult
Just how far can an innocuous insult and stubbornness escalate a situation? This much? Incredible.

8. You were never really here.
Well Joe is certainly here! Welcome to his dark and ferocious world.
7. Alpha
It is the prehistoric past and an event unfolds that changes humanity. Certainly entertaining but somewhat romanticised. I suggest you follow it up with this epic. It will certainly give you a more accurate picture of our prehistoric past!

6. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Welcome to the wild west! It's the land of the singing cowboys, bank robbers, prospectors, wagon trains, stage coaches and of course Indians. What a hoot! 6 stories in which the atrition rate is high, the tales tall, the laughs hearty and the characters rich!

5. Sweet Country
Tragic events at the Australian frontier in the 1920’s. It’s justice on the ‘western front’.

4. Loveless
It is a bleak life in Russia not made any easier by bureaucracy and the police ...but wait the community and volunteers resurrect the day.

3. Foxtrot
Gut wrenching and sinking events at a God forsaken military outpost. It does have the best dance scene of the year.

2. Sicario. Day of the Soldado
To fight the drug war, federal agent Matt Graver gets his team together again. There is palpable tension even without Emily Blunt.

1. The Death of Stalin
Stalin pissed himself when dying. You’ll piss yourself laughing at these comical scuffles surrounding Joe’s death.
1. Chappaquiddick
It certainly reinforces the low regard we have of politicians.

2. The Meg
Bigger ain't necessarily better!
3. Mandy
A psychedelic action horror film! A really bad trip!
Gave up on the following movies. Had better tthings to do than see these stinkers through to the end!
Terminated this one!
What was our 'Tonya' thinking?
A script that definitely leaves you
disengaged and characters that you have no empathy for. .
Wish this one had remained undercover!
Mission Impossible is right! Yawn! Dispite all the action I fell out with this one very early in the piece.