Jan 2016's BLUES TIME

Podcast 245 from www.sablues.org
1 Joyann Parker* & Sweet Tea - On the Rocks - Go for the Money.
2 Michael Quest - Not Done Yet - Die Tryin'.
3 Cécile Doo-Kingué - Anybody Listening Part 2 Dialogues - Riot & Revolution.
4 David Munyon & Mary's Band - WatersideThe Ghost of Sonny Hamm - Are You Going Downtown Tonight
5 ChrisYakopcic - The Next Place I Leave - Preachin' Blues.
6 Harrison Kennedy & miXendorp - Let Her Talk Remix.
7 Doug MacLeod & miXendorp - Plowin' Mule Remix.
8 Tangle Eye - Alan Lomax's Southern Journey Remixed - Work Song.
9 Bruce Peninsula - Small Town Murder Songs - Rosie.
10 JD McPherson - Let the Good Times Roll - Head Over Heels.
11 The Jimmys - Hot Dish - She's Wild.
12 Murray Kinsley & Wicked Grin - Stormy Water - Fast Fast Car.
13 Eden Brent - Aint Got No Troubles - Someone to Love.
14 Jason Vivone & The Billy Bats - The Avenue - Calendar.
15 Karen Dalton - It's So Hard To Tell Who's Going To Love You The Best - Blues On The Ceiling.
16 Hound Dog Taylor - Hound Dog Taylor & The Houserockers - Walking The Ceiling.

Thanks to the musicians, promoters and distributors
who have allowed us to present their music.
Jan 2016's Blues Time

featuring Cécile Doo-Kingué - Anybody Listening Part 2 Dialogues.
Each new podcast is made available to subscribers for downloading. Check the 'Subscribers' page for new postings. Our podcasts give you a taste of some of the exciting and diverse roots and blues CDs currently on offer. It is hoped that this taste prompts you to make some purchases, whether it's from your local record store or online. Remember a little bit of that money trickles thro' to the musicians!
'SA Roots and Blues' is a non profit organisation. Our aim is to promote roots and blues music to an ever increasing patronage.