My Sister’s Shoes
Kate Meehan, Peter Gelling and Skip Landy Distributed through Only Blues Music A cursory glance over the list of achievements by this trio of artists either individually or collaboratively is all that’s needed to know that this triple threat recording is going to be something to savour. Indeed, from the opening groove of ‘You’ve Been Telling Me Lies’ with it’s classic guitar lines, funky horns and familiar story of deception the ground rules have been set....welcome to bluesville. The vocals of Kate Meehan are exceptional. Attitude and sass in good measure with a twist of irony and the ability to tell the story. In fact it is Kate’s vocals that helps make this recording compelling....the other essential ingredient to my ears is the forlorn abandonment Peter Gelling manages to convey with his guitar lines on songs like ‘My Sister’s Blues’. That’s blues right there brother! Peter’s songwriting, production, arranging and recording skills are prodigious and his talent cannot be overstated on this recording. A few years back his songwriting was recognized by none other than B.B. King. The next nice surprise is the beautiful piano of Skip Landy. A little understated at times to my ears but on multiple listens Skips flavours are there and they help create the various shades and colours that make this kaleidoscope of blues a work of greater depth than you first realize. All the songs on this album are original and they are strong. There’s just enough familiarity to catch your ear and then deliver something brand new. There is a sense of humour here too with ‘Your Barndoor’s Open’, I am not convinced about the quirky animal sounds in this song but that little left of centre approach is a trait heard in previous Peter Gelling recordings. Skip’s piano cooks on this song. I also like the way ‘Analysis Paralysis’ uses a little bit of programming while maintaining a gritty lowdown blues feel. Kate, Peter and Skip have delivered a great blues album that has much to offer anyone from the casual blues listener to the sophisticated connoisseur of all things blue. If you like blues with a bit of polish and uptown class, but not too much as to lose it’s edge, then you will love this album. All we need now is to see Kate and Skip here with Pete...Keep an eye out for them in Feb ’09. Hopefully they will be here then...that gives us time to get to know the songs and really enjoy hearing them perform them live. Stuart Knowles |