Galleries > Music Video Suite | Kulcha Gallery | Awe & Angst Suite | Primal Angst Suite | Resolving Contradictions
Gallery of Music Videos
SStart Me Up. 'Start Me Up.'
Emma Stone (Kind of Kindness)
Sweet child o' mine. 'Holding Me Back.'
Blue Pills
Blue Pills. 'Holding Me Back.'
Blue Pills
Blue Pills. 'Dont You Love It.'
Blue Pills
Wild Thing. 'Wild Thing.'
The Troggs
Girls Rumble. 'Girls Rumble.'
Art for Art's Sake. 'Art for Art's Sake.'
Standing Stones of Antarctica. 'Standing Stones of Antarctica'
Beautiful Strange by Bedrock
The Ancients. 'The Anciets'
Atrium: Carceri and Kammarheit.
Lonesome Valley. 'Lonesome Valley'
Magnolia Electric Co.
Foray Through Keshakhtaran. 'Foray Through Keshakhtaran'
Flowers Of Hell.
Blue Smoke. 'Blue Smoke'
Vanilla Fudge. 'You Keep Me Hangin' On'
Vanilla Fudge.
Voodoo Child. 'Voodoo Child'
Rogue Traders.
King Bee. 'I'm a King Bee'
Slim Harpo.
Certain Girl. 'Certain Girl'
Ernie K Doe.
You Talk Too Much. 'Vapour Trails'
In the wake of Melissa Shook.
You Talk Too Much. 'You Talk Too Much'
by Joe Jones.
Down Below. 'Down Below'
Bariton Loco.
Passage through Scheria. 'Passage through Scheria.'
Byron Metcalf 'Remembering'.
Drift 'Drift.'
SUSS. 'Promise'.
This bitter earth 'This bitter earth.'
Dinah Washington. Max Richter
Shroud 'Shroud'
Emily Jane White
Gig in Cyberspace 'The Great Gig in Cyberspace'
Marginis, Jóhannsson, Floyd
2000 '2000 Light Years from Home'
The Rolling Stones
cloud_corner'Cloud Corner'
Marisa Anderson
thinking_of_a_place'Thinking of a place'
The War on Drugs
The War On Drugs
Bill Frisell
endless_river'Endless River'
Pink Floyd
devils_tale'C'est La Vie'
Adrian Raso & Fanfare Ciocărlia
endless_sea'Endless Sleep'
Jodi Reynolds
the_spider'The Spider'
Andrea Schroeder
berlin'Ghosts of Berlin'
Andrea Schroeder
Andrea SChroeder
cannibalsSummer Cannibals
Patti Smith
Patti Smith
black_moon_men'Black Moon'
Valium Aggelein
Mars'Mars Curiosity Rover'
all_good_men'All Good Men'
Beaver & Krause
bright_shadowsBright Shadows
Beaver & Krause
masonics'Your Dangerous Mind'
The Masonics
lojo'Invitation by Lo'jo.'
Womadelaide 2005
Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man
pablos_blues'Pablo's Blues'
Gare Du Nord
blues_dream'Blues Dream'
Bill Frisell
Terminal Sound System
Lera Lyn
patton'Screamin' and Hollerin' the Blues'
Charlie Patton
Sharon Van Etten'You KNow Me Well'
Sharon Van Etten
Jack Rose'Song For The Owl'
Jack Rose
bayon'Her Wraith'
Teeth Of The Sea
covers'You Keep Me Hanging On'
Vanilla Fudge
covers'Top 50 Record Covers'
of 2019!