The Roots and Blues Hour

Podcast 266 from
1 Eagle & The Wolf* - Eagle & The Wolf - Mama, Son & The Holy Ghost.
2 Wild Belle - Dreamland - Coyotes.
3 Gretchen Peters - Blackbirds - Blackbirds.
4 Escondido - Walking with a Stranger - Footprints.
5 Elizabeth Cook - Exodus of Venus - Exodus of Venus.
6 Elise Davis - The Token - Benefits.
7 Andrea Schroeder - Void - Creatures.
8 Kurt Vile - B'ieve I'm Goin' Down - I'm an Outlaw.
9 Elouise - Deep Water - Deep Water.
10 Halfway - The Golden Halfway Record - The Night Sky.
11 Sara Watkins - Young In All The Wrong Ways - Move Me.
12 Richard Shindell - Careless - Stray cow blues.
13 Koral & The Goodbye Horses - Nocturnes - Give Me Nothing.
14 Alejandro Escovedo - Burn Something Beautiful - I Don't Want to Play Guitar Anymoree.
15 King Creosote - Astronaut Meets Appleman - You just want.
16 Anders Osborne - Spacedust & Ocean Views - Big Talk.
17 JD McPherson - Let the Good Times Roll - Head Over Heels.
18 Witchdoktors - Voodoo Eye - New Set Of Wheels.
19 Elouise - Deep Water - Silent Night.
* pictured

who have allowed us to present their music.
Podcast 266 Dec. 2016's "Roots and Blues Hour" features
Eagle & The Wolf

In podcast 266 Jerome presents his favourite 18 tracks
drawn from this year's "Roots and Blues Hour" podcasts.
Once a month Jerome Douvendahns presents a rich mature selection from the genres of roots, alt. country, blues, folk and indie alt. rock. Each podcast highlights new and recent releases from these genres. Podcast duration is about an hour.